location and technical conditions

General comments on the room

For a successful performance/installation, the room should preferably be one in which people can let go and relax without stress. It should be as peaceful as possible, with soft music in the background, a pleasant scent and a living-room ambience. If the weather is warm and dry, ritual feetwash ceremonies can of course take place out-of-doors.

Standard equipment for public events:
(Travel to event with transport provided or my own car):

- a 100 kg hairdressers' chair
- a small enamel foot-bowl
- a low stool and a foot-stool
- small towels (about 20) with a shelf to lay them on (white)
- a blanket
- a watering-can for fetching water
- foot bath-oil with herbal essences, massage oil and foot cream
- a 2 kw 240 V kettle and a saucepan (if no running water is available)
- 2 x 60 w clamp lamps for lighting

Required at the location:

- three assistants to carry the hairdressers' chair
- hot and cold water in the immediate vicinity (including a sink for pouring water away)
- electrical power-point and extension lead (for   lighting and if necessary for the kettle)

ritual feetwash -  the installation - equippment at EXPO 2000/Hannover/Germany

Mobile performance/installation for smaller public events and private events (travel without my own equipment):

Then I require at the location:

- a comfortable armchair with head-support and a wide seat
- a small enamel or plastic foot-bowl
- a low (foot) stool or several seating cushions
- several small towels, depending on the number of people, something to lay them on, and a blanket (depending on the temperature)
- a CD or cassette player and CDs or cassettes with relaxing music according to personal taste
- hot and cold water in the immediate vicinity (and a drain for pouring water away) or, if there is no running warm water, somewhere to heat water
- lighting (if possible two 60 w clamp lamps)
- I will bring foot bath-oil with herbal essences, massage oil and foot cream with me

© 2000  delta RA'i - last update:  2000-08-08