finances, booking and duration


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for information & booking

Finances and Booking

The idea of the feetwash ceremony is that it is a free offer, a gift.

In Biblical times, a guest's feet would be washed, in the same way as we today offer a guest a cup of coffee or tea...

For this reason, clients from the public who participate in this interactive art-installation at public events are not asked for money. Voluntary gifts of money are, however, accepted with thanks.

Financial remuneration is therefore undertaken by the organiser who wishes to give his or her visitors particular pleasure with this gift and include a ritual feetwash ceremony as an unusual art and well-being event in his or her programme. An inclusive artist's fee is agreed with the organiser, plus expenses such as the cost of travel, transport, overnight accommodation and meals, as these are incurred.

Please make enquiries and negotiate firm arrangements by telephone!

It may be necessary to sign a contract for public events, in which case I would have to present an invoice including VAT at the applicable rate. All financial agreements, including verbal ones, count as verbal contracts and are of course subject to confidentiality (verbal contracts).


For small private events it may be possible, by arrangement, to cover the fee with voluntary contributions or on a swap basis.

ritual feetwash ceremony
performances from 3. till 9.  July  at the EXPO 2000 - Hannover/Germany

How long does the feetwash ceremony art-installation last at a public event?

Depending on the kind of event and demand, such an ongoing performance/installation can last (including necessary breaks) for up to 8 hours, or even longer if there a a lot of interest.
This art event involves a direct interaction between people's vital energies, and there is of course a limit to the amount of energy that can be used.
In my experience, an 8-hour performance allows some 10 to 12 people to enjoy a feetwash ceremony. Individual sessions generally last around 20 minutes.

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© 1999  delta RA'i - last update:  2000-07-28